Laboratory centrifuge Sigma 1-7
8 Maintenance and service
Version 08/2018, Rev. 1.7 of 28/04/2022
• sb
47 / 68
Translation of the original operating manual, part no. 0703402
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In the event of service work that requires the removal of the panels, there
is a risk of electric shock or mechanical injury.
• Only qualified specialist personnel is authorised to perform this service
• Following the completion of any type of service, the qualified and
specialised personnel must perform final inspection and testing in
compliance with the relevant standards.
The centrifuge is subject to high mechanical stress. In order to be able to
withstand this high level of stress, high-quality components were used
during the production of the centrifuge. Nevertheless, wear cannot be
excluded and it may not be visible from the outside. Especially the rubber
parts that are
– among other things – part of the motor suspension, are
subject to ageing.
This is why we recommend having the centrifuge checked by the
manufacturer during an inspection once per year in the operating state and
once every three years in the dismantled state. Motor damping elements
must be replaced after three years.
Information and appointments:
In Germany:
Sigma Laborzentrifugen GmbH
An der Unteren Söse 50
37520 Osterode (Germany)
Tel. +49 (0) 55 22 / 50 07-44 44
E-mail: [email protected]
Outside Germany:
Contact our agency in your country. All agencies are listed at
[Sales Partners]
• If you would like to utilise our service, please state the type of your
centrifuge and its serial number.
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