Laboratory centrifuge Sigma 1-7
6 Using the centrifuge
Version 08/2018, Rev. 1.7 of 28/04/2022
• sb
31 / 68
Translation of the original operating manual, part no. 0703402
Pos : 108 /100 Sigma/100 BA Z entrif ugen Sigma (St andardm odul e)/061 Betrieb_Spi nc ontr ol Basic /061-0020-0020- 0030 Ei ns etz en v on Zubehör @ 27\m od_1405320318688_68.docx @ 193739 @ 4 @ 1
Installation of accessories
• Only use tubes that are suitable for the rotor.
• Always load the axial symmetrical inserts of the rotors with the same
accessories and fill to avoid imbalance.
Centrifugation with low capacity
• Install the tubes axial symmetrically so that the rotor is loaded evenly.
• It is not permissible to load angle rotors on only one axis.
Fig. 5: Permissible and impermissible loading of an angle rotor (example illustration)
Pos : 109 /010 Univ ers almodul e/ Leerz eile @ 0\mod_1202116244500_0.docx @ 114 @ @ 1
Pos : 110 /100 Sigma/100 BA Z entrif ugen Sigma (St andardm odul e)/061 Betrieb_Spi nc ontr ol Basic /061-0020-0020- 0040 G ef äß e (1- 14, 1-14K, 1-16, 1-16K, 1-7, Sart orius A-14, A- 14C) @ 27\mod_1405320320154_68. docx @ 193753 @ 4 @ 1
• Load the vessels outside of the centrifuge. Liquids in the bores of the
rotor cause corrosion.
• Fill the vessels carefully and arrange them according to their weight.
Imbalances result in the excessive wear of the bearings.
• After the centrifugation, remove the vessels carefully in order to prevent
the samples from mixing.
• Follow the safety instructions and hazard warnings (see chapter 3 -
Pos : 111 /010 Univ ers almodul e/ Seit enwechs el @ 0\mod_1202116244312_0.docx @ 105 @ @ 1