Laboratory centrifuge Sigma 1-7
3 Safety
Version 08/2018, Rev. 1.7 of 28/04/2022
• sb
21 / 68
Translation of the original operating manual, part no. 0703402
• Do not spin any substances that could damage the material of the
rotors and buckets of the centrifuge in any way. Highly corrosive
substances, for example, damage the material and affect the
mechanical strength of the rotors and buckets.
• Stop the centrifuge immediately in the event of a malfunction.
Eliminate the malfunction (see chapter 7 - "Malfunctions and error
correction") or inform the service department of Sigma
Laborzentrifugen GmbH (see chapter 7.3 - "Service contact").
• If the housing becomes damaged, do not use the centrifuge. Contact
the service department of Sigma Laborzentrifugen GmbH (see chapter
7.3 - "Service contact").
• Ensure that all repairs are performed only by authorised and
specialised personnel.
• Prior to any start-up, check the centrifuge, rotor, and accessories for
signs of damage that can be discerned from the outside. Special
attention must be paid to all of the rubber parts (e.g. motor cover, lid
seal, and adapters) in terms of visible structural changes. Defective
parts must be replaced immediately.
• Open the centrifuge when it is not in use so that moisture can
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Fire prevention
• Do not spin explosive or inflammable substances.
• Do not use the centrifuge within hazardous locations.
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Pos : 49 / 100 Sigma/ 100 BA Zentrif ugen Sigma (Standar dmodule)/ 030 Sic her heit /030-0060-0040 C hemische und bi ologisc he Sic her hei t @ 26\m od_1405319028141_68.docx @ 192101 @ 3 @ 1
Chemical and biological safety
If pathogenic, toxic, or radioactive samples are intended to be used in the
centrifuge, it is in the responsibility of the user to ensure that all necessary
safety regulations, guidelines, precautions, and practices are adhered to
• Infectious, toxic, pathogenic, and radioactive substances may only be
used in special, certified containment systems with a bio-seal in order
to prevent the material from being released.
• Take suitable precautions for your own safety if there is a risk of toxic,
radioactive, or pathogenic contamination
• Materials that chemically react with each other with a high level of
energy are prohibited.
• Keep informed about local measures to avoid harmful emissions
(depending on the substances to be centrifuged).
• Protective clothing is not required for the operation of the centrifuge.
The materials to be centrifuged may, however, require special safety
measures (e.g. centrifugation of infectious, toxic, radioactive, or
pathogenic substances).
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