Laboratory centrifuge Sigma 1-7
3 Safety
18 / 68
Version 08/2018, Rev. 1.7 of 28/04/2022
• sb
Translation of the original operating manual, part no. 0703402
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Requirements concerning the personnel
Risk of injury if the personnel are not sufficiently qualified
If unqualified personnel perform work on the centrifuge or are present in
the danger zone of the centrifuge, hazards result that can cause serious
injuries and considerable damage to property.
• Ensure that all the tasks are performed by personnel with the
corresponding qualifications.
• Ensure that unqualified personnel stay clear of the danger zones.
Risk of fatal injury to unauthorised persons due to hazards in the
danger zone or work area
Unauthorised persons who do not fulfil the requirements described herein
are not aware of the hazards in the work area. This is why there is a risk
of serious or even fatal injuries for unauthorised persons.
• Ensure that unauthorised persons stay clear of the danger zone and
work area.
• If in doubt, address these persons and instruct them to leave the
danger zone and work area.
• Interrupt any running work if unauthorised persons are present in the
danger zone or work area.
This manual uses the following personnel qualifications for various areas of
Qualified electrician
Due to their special training, knowledge, experience and familiarity with the
relevant standards and regulations, qualified electricians are in the position
to perform work on electrical systems and to autonomously identify and
prevent possible hazards.
Qualified electricians have been specifically trained for the environment in
which they work and they are familiar with all the relevant standards and
Qualified electricians must fulfil the requirements as set out in the
applicable legal provisions concerning the prevention of accidents.
Specialised personnel
Due to their special training, knowledge, experience and familiarity with the
relevant regulations, specialised personnel are in the position to perform
any tasks assigned to them and to autonomously identify and prevent
possible hazards.
Operating personnel
Only trained, specialised personnel are authorised to operate the unit. The
persons operating the unit must
• be familiar with the fundamental health, safety, and accident prevention
• have read and understood this operating manual, in particular the safety
sections and warning notes, and confirmed this with their signature,
• have been instructed in the operation and maintenance of this
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