2.17 Auxiliary Functions
SIPROTEC, 7SJ61, Manual
C53000-G1140-C210-1, Release date 02.2008
Checking the Binary Inputs and Outputs
The binary inputs, outputs, and LEDs of a SIPROTEC 4 device can be individually and precisely controlled in
DIGSI. This feature can be used, for example, to verify control wiring from the device to substation equipment
(operational checks), during start-up.
A dialog box shows all binary inputs and outputs as well as LEDs of the device with their present status. The
operating equipment, commands, or messages that are configured (masked) to the hardware components are
also displayed. After having entered password no. 6 (for hardware test menus), it is possible to switch to the
opposite status in another column of the dialog box. Thus, you can energize every single output relay to check
the wiring between protected device and the system without having to create the alarm allocated to it.
The procedure is described in detail in Chapter "Mounting and Commissioning".
Creating Oscillographic Recordings for Tests
During commissioning, energization sequences should be carried out to check the stability of the protection
also during closing operations. Oscillographic event recordings contain the maximum information on the be-
havior of the protection.
Along with the capability of storing fault recordings via pickup of the protection function, the 7SJ61 also has the
capability of capturing the same data when commands are given to the device via the service program DIGSI,
the serial interface, or a binary input. For the latter, event
must be allocated to a binary
input. Triggering for the oscillographic recording then occurs, for instance, via the binary input when the pro-
tection object is energized.
An oscillographic recording that is triggered externally (that is, without a protective element pickup) are pro-
cessed by the device as a normal oscillographic record. For each oscillographic record a fault record is created
which is given its individual number to ensure that assignment can be made properly. However, these oscillo-
graphic recordings are not displayed in the fault log buffer in the display as they are no network fault events.
The procedure is described in detail in Chapter "Mounting and Commissioning".