Safety Engineering in SIMATIC S7
System Manual, 04/2006, A5E00109529-05
F-I/O is a group designation for fail-safe inputs and outputs available in SIMATIC S7 for
integration in S7 Distributed Safety and S7 F/FH Systems fail-safe systems. The following F-
I/O are available:
-> ET 200eco fail-safe I/O module
S7-300 fail-safe signal modules (-> F-SMs)
-> Fail-safe modules ET 200S and ET 200pro (ET 200pro for S7 Distributed Safety only)
-> Fail-safe DP standard slaves (for S7 Distributed Safety only)
-> Fail-safe IO standard devices (for S7 Distributed Safety only)
S7 Distributed Safety: Fail-safe data block for -> F-I/O in an -> F-CPU in S7 Distributed
Safety. An F-I/O DB is automatically generated for each F-I/O when the program is compiled
HW Config. The F-I/O DB contains variables that the user can evaluate in the -> safety
program, or that he can or must write to:
For reintegration of the F-I/O following communication errors, F-I/O faults, or channel
If the F-I/O must be passivated as a result of particular states of the safety program (for
example, group passivation)
For reassigning parameters of -> fail-safe DP standard slaves
In order to evaluate whether fail-safe values or process data are output
-> F-FBD
F-Module Driver
S7 F/FH Systems: The F-module driver ensures -> PROFIsafe communication between the -
> safety program and the -> F-I/O. It is automatically positioned and interconnected in the
safety program.
-> Fail-safe modules
S7 Distributed Safety: "Introductory F-block" for fail-safe programming of the -> safety
program. The F-PB is an
-> F-FB or -> F-FC that the user assigns to the -> F-CALL of the
-> F-runtime group.
The F-PB contains the F-FBD or F-LAD safety program, any calls of additional -> F-FBs/F-
FCs for program structuring, and any F-application blocks from the
-> F-Application Blocks block container of the
Distributed Safety F-library.