Programming F-Systems
7.3 Structure of the Safety Program in S7 Distributed Safety
Safety Engineering in SIMATIC S7
System Manual, 04/2006, A5E00109529-05
F-Blocks of the
Distributed Safety
F-Library (V1)
Distributed Safety F-library (V1) contains:
F-application blocks in the
F-Application Blocks\Blocks block container
F-system blocks and the F-shared DB in the
F-System Blocks\Blocks block container
The F-blocks contained in the block containers are shown in the table below:
Table 7-2
Fail-safe Blocks of the Distributed Safety F-Library (V1)
Block Container
... Contains F-Blocks for Function/F-Blocks
Block container containing the F-application blocks
that can be called by the user in the F-PB/F-FBs/F-
Safety-related CPU-
CPU communication
F-application blocks for safety-related CPU-CPU
F_RCVDP and F_RCVS7 for receiving data in
safety-related CPU-CPU communication
F_SENDDP and F_SENDS7 for sending data in
safety-related CPU-CPU communication
F-application block F_ACK_OP for a fail-safe
acknowledgment using an operator control and
monitoring system
Timers and
F-application blocks F_TP, F_TON, F_TOF;
F-blocks F_CTU, F_CTD, F_CTUD
F-application block F_SCA_I
1oo2 evaluation with
discrepancy analysis
F-application block F_1oo2DI
F-application blocks for such functions as two-hand
monitoring, muting, EMERGENCY STOP,
protective door monitoring, feedback loop
monitoring, etc.
Data conversion
F-application blocks F_BO_W, F_W_BO
F-application blocks F_INT_WR, F_INT_RD
F-application blocks
Shift operations
F-application blocks F_SHL_W, F_SHR_W