On this WBM page, you specify how the VPN connection partners authenticate themselves
with each other.
This table contains the following columns:
● Name
Shows the name of the VPN connection to which the settings relate.
● Method
Select the authentication method. For the VPN connection, it is essential that the partner
uses the same authentication method.
– Disabled
No authentication method is selected. Connection establishment is not possible.
– Certificates
Certificates are used for the authentication.
– User name/Password
The user name/password are used for the authentication.
● CA Certificate
Select the certificate. Only loaded certificates can be selected.
You load the certificates on the device with "System > Load&Save". The loaded certificates
and key files are shown on the WBM page "Security > Certificates".
● Machine certificate
Select the machine certificate. Only loaded certificates can be selected.
You load the certificates on the device with "System > Load&Save". The loaded certificates
and key files are shown on the WBM page "Security > Certificates".
● User Name
Specify the user name.
● Password
Enter the password.
● Password Confirmation
Confirm the password.
Configuring with Web Based Management
4.9 "Security" menu
SCALANCE S615 Web Based Management
Configuration Manual, 11/2019, C79000-G8976-C388-08