Requirements for sending log entries
● The Syslog function is enabled on the device.
● The Syslog function is enabled for the relevant event.
● There is a Syslog server in your network that receives the log entries.
● Since this is a UDP connection, there is no acknowledgment to the sender.
● The IP address of the Syslog server is entered on the device.
The page contains the following boxes:
● Syslog Client
Enable or disable the Syslog function.
● Syslog Server Address
Enter the IP address of the Syslog server.
This table contains the following columns
● Select
Select the row you want to delete.
● Syslog Server Address
Shows the IP address of the Syslog server.
● Server Port
Enter the port of the Syslog server being used.
– Enabled
The syslog messages are sent using TLS encryption over TCP.
– Disabled
Syslog messages are sent unencrypted over UDP.
Configuring with Web Based Management
4.5 "System" menu
SCALANCE S615 Web Based Management
Configuration Manual, 11/2019, C79000-G8976-C388-08