Appendix D
D.1 Error messages of the SCALANCE X300 / X400
SCALANCE X-300 / X-400
Configuration Manual, 10/2014, C79000-G8976-C187-22
Ring redundancy disabled.
(R)STP protocol enabled.
(R)STP protocol disabled.
Disabled (R)STP because ring redundancy is enabled.
DIP settings taken from C-PLUG.
(R)STP topology change detected while (R)STP is off. Aging time will be reduced to
<time in s> sec for at least <time in s> sec.
Set aging time back to original value <time in s> sec.
No connection to SNTP server. Server IP address <IP address>.
Connected to SNTP server. Server IP address <IP address>.
Enabled link status monitoring on ring ports.
Changed port VLAN ID of the ring ports to 1.
Disabled GVRP because ring redundancy is enabled.
Disabled GMRP because ring redundancy is enabled.
Disabled mirroring because monitor port is ring port.
(Re)enabled ring ports (because disabled by user).
Disabled port lock on ring ports.
Warning: ring ports have different static VLAN configuration.
Warning: ring ports have different VLAN port configuration.
Warning: ring ports have different static multicast configuration.
Warning: ring ports have different load limits configuration.
Enter fault state: port <port number> enabled for link status monitoring and link down.
Leave fault state: port <port number> disabled for link status monitoring.
Enter fault state: power line <ID of power supply> enabled for power monitoring and
power down.
Leave fault state: power line <ID of power supply> disabled for power monitoring.
<CLI | WBM | SSH>: Authentication failure.
Warning: OSPF consumed too much memory and is shut down.
Duplicate IP address <IP address> sent from <MAC address>
IN <number of the digital input> (<name of the input>) <high | low>
VRRP: Virtual Router <number of the routers> on VLAN <VLAN-ID> transitioned to
<Master | Backup | Disabled | Initialize | Invalid> state.
PNIO configuration invalid, conflict with standby.
PNIO configuration invalid, conflict with HRP.
PNIO configuration invalid, conflict in MRP ring ports: <cause of conflict>