Configuration using Web Based Management and Command Line Interface
4.2 The System menu
SCALANCE X-300 / X-400
Configuration Manual, 10/2014, C79000-G8976-C187-22
Here, you enter the value of the northern or southern latitude of the location of the device.
For example, +49° 1´ 31.67" means that the device is located at 49 degrees, 1 minute and
31.67 seconds north.
A southern latitude is indicated by a preceding minus sign.
You can also append the letters N’ (north) or S’ (south) after the numbers (49° 1´ 31.67" N).
Here, you enter the value of the eastern or western longitude of the location of the device.
For example, +8° 20´ 58.73" means that the device is located at 8 degrees, 20 minutes and
58.73 seconds east.
A western longitude is indicated by a preceding minus sign.
You can also append the letters O’ or E’ (east) or W’ (west) after the numbers
(8° 20´ 58.73" E).
Height (geographic height)
Here, you enter the value of the geographic height above seal level in meters.
For example, 158 m means that the device is located at a height of 158 m above sea level.
Heights below sea level are indicated by a preceding minus sign.
Entering the geographic coordinates
The values for the geographic coordinates can be entered in the text boxes, for example
as degrees with minutes and seconds in the formats:
in degrees in decimal format: DD.DDD°
with or without a sign or with the letter S; N, E (or O) and W appended
Syntax of the Command Line Interface for the geographic coordinates
Table 4- 13 Geographic coordinates - CLI\SYSTEM\GEO>
Displays the current status of the geographic coordi-
lat [string]
Shows/sets the geographical latitude coordinate.
Administrator only.
long [string]
Shows/sets the geographical longitude coordinate.
Administrator only.
height [string]
Shows/sets the geographical height coordinate.
Administrator only.