SCALANCE X-300 / X-400
Configuration Manual, 10/2014, C79000-G8976-C187-22
An IE switch with an "ACCEPTED" C-PLUG inserted uses the configuration data of the C-
PLUG automatically when it starts up. Acceptance is possible only when the data was written
by a compatible device type.
This allows a basic device to be replaced quickly and simply. The C-PLUG is taken from the
failed component and inserted in the replacement. The first time it is started up, the
replacement device has the same configuration as the failed device except for the MAC
address set by the vendor.
If an IE switch is replaced, the configuration with media modules and when using a
SCALANCE X414-3E also the settings of the DIL switches and the optional configuration of
extender modules must be adopted.
Inserting a C-PLUG that does not contain the configuration of a compatible device type,
accidentally removing the C-PLUG or general malfunctions of the C-PLUG are signaled by
the diagnostics mechanisms of the device (LEDs, WEB-based management, SNMP, and
Startup behavior
IE switch startup
not found
with internal configuration (if it exists) or with
factory defaults.
with internal configuration, immediately copies
this automatically to the C-PLUG
written with own configuration data
with C-PLUG configuration
written with other configuration data
with third-party C-PLUG configuration
written with configuration data of a differ-
ent device type
with internal configuration, red LED on power
module and log entry
with internal configuration, red LED on power
module and log entry
In cases 2 and 3, the configuration data on the switch CPU and the C-PLUG is identical. In
cases 4 and 5, the configuration data is different and can be synchronized manually. In case
6, you can attempt to reformat the C-PLUG with the clean function. If problems persist,
replace the C-PLUG.
In case 4 (replacement) of a SCALANCE X414-3E, the DIL switch settings of the C-PLUG
and not the physical switch settings are adopted. A deviation is signaled by the diagnostic