Configuration using Web Based Management and Command Line Interface
4.5 The Switch menu
SCALANCE X-300 / X-400
Configuration Manual, 10/2014, C79000-G8976-C187-22
Section "Guest VLAN"
If an end device cannot be authenticated either with "802.1x" or with "MAC Authentication",
the end device can be enabled for communication in a preconfigured guest VLAN.
Enable Guest VLAN
Enable this option if you want the end device to be enabled in the guest VLAN if
authentication fails.
Guest VlanID
Enter the VLAN-ID of the port in the "Guest VlanID" input box.
Max Allowed Addresses
In the "Max Allowed Addresses" input box, enter how many end devices are allowed to be
connected to the port at the same time.
Actual Allowed Addresses
Shows the number of end devices currently connected to the port.
Syntax of the Command Line Interface
Table 4- 43 802.1x Port Configuration - CLI\SWITCH\DOT1X\PORTS>
auth [<E|D> [ports]]
Enables/disables the "802.1x" authentication meth-
od for the selected port.
Administrator only.
reauth [<E|D> [ports]]
Enables/disables the reauthentication functionality
("802.1x") for the selected port.
Administrator only.
macauth [<E|D> [ports]] Enables/disables the "MAC Authentication" authen-
tication method for the selected port.
Administrator only.
macreauth[<E|D> [ports]] Enables/disables the reauthentication functionality
("MAC Authentication") for the selected port.
Administrator only.
vlanassgn[<E|D> [ports]] Enables/disables the "VLAN Assignment Allowed"
function for the selected port.
Administrator only.
guestvlan[<E|D> [ports]] Enables/disables the "Enable Guest VLAN" function
for the selected port.
Administrator only.
gvlanid [<1..4094>
Shows/sets the Guest VlanID for the selected port.
Administrator only.
maxaumac [<1..20>
Shows/sets the number of end devices that can be
connected to the port the same time.
Administrator only.
maxaugu [<1..20>
Shows/sets the number of end devices that can be
connected to the port the same time.
Administrator only.