Notes on configuration and operation
5.4 Calling a TeleService connection
CP 1242-7 V2
Operating Instructions, 05/2014, C79000-G8976-C311-00
Calling a TeleService connection
Requirement for the engineering station
The STEP 7 project with the CP 1242-7 GPRS V2 is stored on the engineering station.
Requirement for switching the connection
The request for connection establishment is triggered by the engineering station. To switch
the connection to the remote station, a telecontrol server or a TeleService gateway is
required. See also section Requirements for operation (Page 13).
Procedure for connection establishment for TeleService
No TeleService connection establishment using "Online" > "Go online"
If you attempt to establish a TeleService connection by selecting the CPU and then selecting
the menu or shortcut menu command "Online" > "Connect online", STEP 7 will automatically
attempt to connect via Ethernet. Reason: In STEP 7, the last connection path used to
download the project data is stored.
TeleService only from one single STEP 7 project
You can only operate TeleService on an engineering Station from within a single STEP 7
project. TeleService from more than one STEP 7 project at any one time is not possible.
Follow the steps below to establish a TeleService connection to the remote station via GPRS
from the engineering station:
Select the CPU of the remote station in the STEP 7 project.
Select the "Online" > "Online & Diagnostics" menu.
The "Online access" dialog opens.
Choose the entry "TeleService via GPRS" in the "Type of interface" drop-down list.
Choose the entry "GPRS TeleService board" in the "PG/PC interface" drop-down list.
Click on the icon next to the "PG/PC interface" drop-down list.
The "Establish remote connection" dialog box opens.
Make the necessary entries in this dialog.
You will find information on the necessary entries in the tooltips of the STEP 7 online