IV306E Rev. 004 Siel S.p.A.
Page 36 of 37 + 12 Tables, 14 F FR
Issued date: 2014-03-24
Option 21: Power adapter autotransformers
By means of this option, the input or output powers can be adapted to non-standard values.
Because the power of these components varies according to the difference between input and output
voltage, sizing will have to be done from time to time.
Option 22: UPS used as frequency converter
By means of this option, the Siel UPS units can be used as frequency converters (input 50Hz-output
60Hz or vice versa). .
Option 23: Second client interface board
This option increases the number of signals from the UPS made available by means of “clean”
In particular:
The connector CN1 in figure 6 is duplicated (see para. “Detailed description of the signals
available on connector CN1 and on terminal boards”) with the same signals.
The terminal boards M1, M2 and M3 are duplicated (by changing the position of the DipSwitch the
set of signals can be changed on the additional board; e.g., the "OR" of the alarms can be added).
The optic fibre connector for the remote mimic panel is duplicated (this way two remote mimic
panels can be connected).
Option 24: Second RS232 interface
By means of this option, the UPS unit can be equipped with a second serial port (on optic fibre or D
connector – standard) with independent operation from the standard serial port.
This option may be used to access all the main UPS parameters thus permitting the use of two different
diagnosis and control systems for the same UPS.
Option 25: Single battery for parallel operation
Should specific plant considerations so require, a single battery may be used to power several UPS
units in parallel (max 4). By means of this option, the rectifiers actively distribute the current causing it
to flow both towards the battery and towards the inverters. If one of the rectifiers fails, the remaining
rectifiers will continue to power the inverters of all the UPS units. It is possible to set the system to
perform a periodical battery test even when a single battery is used.
Option 26: Incorporated batteries
UPS units fitted with six-pulse power rectifiers up to 40KVA may be supplied with incorporated
batteries; please contact SIEL S.p.A. to define the exact backup time according to the loads effectively
powered by the UPS.
All sizes of UPS may be supplied with batteries housed in special cabinets designed to operate with
and match the UPS units.
Option 27: 24-pulse rectifier bridge
When input current distortions of
5% are required for UPSs with capacities from 500kVA to 1MVA,
an option with a 24-pulse rectifier bridge can be supplied which, without adding extra filters, naturally
guarantees a harmonic current distortion lower than 5% (the technical specifications of these UPSs are
given in technical specification SP117 which integrates this document).
The version with the 24-pulse rectifier bridge may be supplied for UPSs with lower capacities on
request or, as an alternative, it is possible to fit this twelve-pulse equipment with an extra filter to
current the input current phase; in this way the input current distortion reaches levels lower than 5%
(for further information, please contact Siel SpA)
Option 28: Remote sensing circuit
In the event of the load being connected to the UPS by means of a particularly long line or by means of
an external transformer, the UPS unit (or units in case of parallel system) can be equipped with a