IV306E Rev. 004 Siel S.p.A.
Page 10 of 37 + 12 Tables, 14 F FR
Issued date: 2014-03-24
Note about this manual
All pictures and tables quoted in the text are reproduced at the end of the manual.
This instruction manual describes the Siel UPS “FLEXIPOWER-SAFEPOWER” series,
manufactured by Siel SpA – Via I° Maggio 25 – Trezzano Rosa (Milan).
These UPS units are identified by codes, the first two letters of which are: UG………
Furthermore, this manual applies to non-standard products based on the “Flexipower-Safepower”
series, as indicated in the machine documentation relating to the specific UPs unit.
This series comprises a range of technologically uniform appliances that extends from 20kVA up to
They are true double-conversion UPS units equipped with inverters with output transformers which
fully separate the battery voltage from the power to the load, thus ensuring that it is absolutely
impossible for the DC voltage from the battery to reach protected appliances, should a failure occur.
The input stage comprises two sturdy thyristor bridges which combine very high reliability with low
emissions of high-frequency interference, thus avoiding all possibility of interference even with
appliances which have a very low level of electromagnetic immunity.
All the units of this series have built in on-board disconnecting switches and are functionally complete,
including all the rectifier, inverter and static switch sections.
(Only the 1MVA appliance does not feature the disconnecting switches on board the machine, but if
necessary housed in a special outside cabinet).
Appliances up to 60kVA may be supplied with batteries incorporated.
Of the UPS to which this instruction manual refers, both the versions for single operation and the
version for parallel operation exist; in any case, a parallel connection UPS is also able to operate
correctly as a single apparatus; additionally, all sizes may be supplied both in twelve- and six-phase
The UPS units of the “Safepower EVO ” series are CE marked and as such they comply with the
relevant product regulations; more specifically:
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
Part 1-2: General and safety requirements for UPS used in restricted
access locations
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
Part 1-2: General and safety requirements for UPS used in restricted
access locations
Uninterruptible Power Supply systems (UPS)
Part 1-2: General and safety requirements for UPS units used in
restricted-access locations