Status Messages
Status Messages
The error messages (Exx), warning messages (Wxx) and quick stop codes (Hxx) dis-
played in the automatic mode are the drive messages. They are described in the hard-
ware documentation of the drive.
Object nt rd xxx, Object nt wr xxx
(up to software version (operating terminal)
; Obj not read xxx, Obj not writexxx
(software version (operating terminal)
3.19 and higher)
; rd obj failedxxx, wr obj failedxxx
(software version (operating
terminal) 3.21 and higher)
If one of these displays appears, the operating terminal was not able to access the pa-
rameter object of the drive. There are several causes for this error:
The operating terminal is not connected to the drive.
The drive was not detected by the device search (scan for drive) of the operating
A parameter (object) cannot be used in the current operating mode of the drive.
Function not available, Wrong device fct, Wrong odictclass
If one of these displays appears, the operating terminal can access the drive, but the
desired function is not supported by the drive.
Ctrl channel fail, Spt channel fail
The displays “Ctrl channel fail ” and “Spt channel fail” indicate that the operating termi-
nal cannot access the control channel and/or the setpoint channel of the drive. In this
case, the settings of the drive must be changed via the PC user interface (see
11 “Software Configuration”, page 20
reading/writing aborted, reading/writing not possible
The displays “reading aborted” and “writing aborted” indicate that an error has occurred
while reading or writing parameters. The displays “reading not possible” and “writing not
possible” indicate that there are no parameters (see
chapter 14.3.6 “WRITE PARAMETER”, page 34
wrong hardware ident code, wrong logic features, wrong firmware features
If one of these displays appears, the comparison of the parameters with the features of
the drive failed. There are several causes for this error:
The drive hardware does not support features that are required by the parameter
set, e.g. there is no resolver.
The logic software or the firmware does not support features that are required by
the parameter set, e.g. the parameterized bus system is not supported.
Drive System SD2x - Operating Terminal 0362150 and 0362153