Functions of the Terminal
When you select the CHANGE PASSWORD menu item, you can change the current
password. You must always enter a 4-digit password.
In a first step, enter the old password:
If the password you entered is incorrect, the error message “wrong password” will ap-
pear for one second and the terminal will exit the menu item.
If you enter the correct password, you can enter a new password:
For safety reasons, you must re-enter the new password:
If you entered the correct passwords, the new password will be stored. An approriate
message will be displayed for one second and the display will then switch back to the
If the two new passwords are not identical, the error message “wrong password” will be
displayed for one second and you must enter the new passwords again.
Via the ESC key, you can quit the CHANGE PASSWORd menu without storing the
new password.
When changing the password, you can also use the following master password: “0112”.
In the INFO MODE menu, different information parameters can be load from the drive
and be displayed. In addition, the identified module address and the software version of
the operating terminal can be displayed.
drive type (object 117)
Name of parameter set (object 22)
motor name (object 44)
serial number (object 7)
Operation time meter since last booting (object 9)
Drive System SD2x - Operating Terminal 0362150 and 0362153