Operating Instructions
UE 440/470
© SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved
8 010 432/P097/14-03-05
Configurable functions
Devices and sensors
Single channel input devices and sensors
You can configure up to 15 connections for single channel input devices and sensors.
The single channel inputs are only approved for safety functions if the following
conditions are met!
The cables are to be installed in accordance with the category to be used, according to
EN 954-1; e.g. protected installation, single sheath with shielding etc.
Single channel connected protective devices of the controller category 2 according to
EN 954-1 are to be configured and connected with testing (see Page 42).
For a single channel input device or a single channel sensor, you configure…
whether testing is to occur constantly (see Page 42).
whether an input delay is necessary (see Page 42).
Context menu device symbol UE 440/470, command
Edit configuration draft…
configuration draft
window, context menu element symbol single channel input
device or
, command
Element wizard…
The electrical connection of the single channel input devices and sensors is described in
Chapter 6 "Electrical installation" on Page 49.
Dual channel input devices and sensors
You can configure up to seven connections for dual channel input devices and sensors.
For a dual channel input device or a dual channel sensor, you configure…
whether you evaluate both channels of the input device or sensor complementary or
equivalent (see Page 41).
the connection to which the N/C contact or N/O contact is connected with
complementary evaluation.
whether testing is to occur constantly (see Page 42).
whether an input delay is necessary (see Page 42).
whether a discrepancy time is necessary (see Page 43).
Context menu device symbol UE 440/470, command
Edit configuration draft…
configuration draft
window, context menu element symbol
dual channel input device or
, command
Element wizard…
The electrical connection of the dual channel input devices and sensors is described in
Chapter 6 "Electrical installation" on Page 49.