Operating Instructions
UE 440/470
© SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved
8 010 432/P097/14-03-05
Configurable functions
Automatic reconfiguration
The configuration of a protective device (e.g. C 4000) connected via EFI can be saved in
the safety controller. After exchanging a protective device (e.g. due to a defect), device
detection occurs, and the saved configuration is transferred to the protective device.
For the safety controller to reconfigure a protective device, the type code of the new
device must match that of the original device.
Commissioning (see Chapter 8 on Page 73) and full approval of the application (see
Chapter 8.2 on Page 76) must occur both after the replacement of a protective device
connected via EFI and after the replacement of the safety controller UE 440/470. After
replacement of a UE 440/470 with a new UE 440/470 with active automatic
reconfiguration, the configuration of a C 4000 connected via EFI may be overwritten by
the new UE 440/470 in certain circumstances. This is the case if the configuration
saved in the UE 440/470 contains the same type code as the connected C 4000.
Context menu device symbol UE 440/470, command
Edit configuration draft…
configuration draft
window, menu
, command
Configuration wizard…
Protective operation
To configure the functions described below, you must position a function module for
protective operation in the CDS. Two function modules are available for protective
Standard function module
Standard function module with machine cycle contact evaluation (UE 470)
The function module for protective operation can have the following inputs:
If an ESPE connected to this input or a switch connected to the
input switches off, the outputs Out1 and Out2 are switched off.
For information on evaluating the machine cycle contacts please
refer to Section 4.3.3 "Significance of the machine cycle contacts
for PSDI mode operation" on page 35 and Section 6.2.8
"Machine-cycle contacts" on page 52.
If a logic module connected to this input supplies the link result
logical 0, the outputs Out1 and Out2 are switched off.
For information on evaluating the machine cycle contacts please
refer to Section 4.3.3 "Significance of the machine cycle contacts
for PSDI mode operation" on page 35 and Section 6.2.8
"Machine-cycle contacts" on page 52.
If a key-operated switch for bypass connected to this input is
actuated, the outputs Out1 and Out2 are forced high connected.
This is not the case if an emergency stop input device connected
to the Emergency stop input is actuated.
Emergency Stop
If an emergency stop input device connected to this input is
actuated, the outputs Out1 and Out2 are switched off. The input
overrides all other input signals.
Tab. 8: Possible inputs of the
function module for
protective operation