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For example, you would use such a feature to accelerate cursor move-
ments with the arrow keys.
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec)
When the typematic rate is enabled, this selection allows you select
the rate at which the keys are accelerated.
Typematic Delay (Msec)
When the typematic rate is enabled, this selection allows you to select
the delay between when the key was first depressed and when the
acceleration begins
Security Option
This item allows you to limit access to the System and Setup, or just to
Setup. When
is selected, the System will not boot and access
to Setup will be denied if the correct password is not entered at the
is selected, the System will boot, but access to Setup will
be denied if the correct password is not entered at the prompt.
PCI / VGA Palette Snoop
This item must be set to enabled if there is a MPEG ISA card installed
in the system, and disabled if there is no MPEG ISA card installed in
the system.
OS Select For DRAM > 64MB
This item allows you to access the memory that over 64 MB in OS/2.
Video BIOS Shadow
Determines whether video BIOS will be copied to RAM. However, it
is optional depending on chipset design. Video Shadow will increase
the video speed.
C8000-CBFFF Shadow/DC000-DFFFF Shadow
These categories determine whether option ROMs will be Chipset
Features Setup Auto Configuration copied to RAM. An example of
such option ROM would be support of on-board SCSI.