5-1-5. Y/C circuit adjustment method
Input signal conditions
Video signals generated by a pattern generator are used to make electric adjustments in a Y/C circuit. Thus this signal
must conform to the standards prescribed for adjustment signals.
Use an oscilloscope to check that the video signal is terminated with a 75
resistor, the amplitude of the sync signal
component, video component and burst signal are approx. 0.3 Vp-p, 0.7 Vp-p and 0.3 Vp-p, respectively and that they
are flat. The relative level of the burst signal and the red signal shall be 0.30:0.66.
The color bar used in an electrical adjustment is shown in Figure A.
Horizontal sync signal
Red (approx. 0.6 V )
Approx. 0.3 V
White (approx. 100%)
Burst signal
Approx. 0.7 V
Approx. 0.3 V
Figure A Color bar signal produced by a pattern generator
* When a pattern generator is not used
Shoot a color bar chart (JiGCHART-4) using a perfectly adjusted video camera.
A signal from a perfectly adjusted video camera shooting a color bar chart (JiGCHART-4) can be used as an adjusting
signal if the lighting can be set to meet the following conditions: output (75
terminated), the amplitude of the sync signal
component, video component and burst signal are approx. 0.3 Vp-p, 0.7 Vp-p and 0.3 Vp-p, respectively. The relative
level of the burst signal and the red signal shall be 0.30:0.66. This is shown in Figure B.
Figure B Color bar signal produced by a video camera
Horizontal sync signal
White (approx. 100%)
Burst signal
Approx. 0.3 V
Approx. 0.7 V
Approx. 0.3 V
Red (approx. 0.6 V )
Only in the case when the satisfactory result was not obtained by the adjusting method described above, perform the
following adjustment.
1)Connect each signal to the oscilloscope.
1ch: Video output ... TL801
2ch: H-SW-P .......... TL405
GND: GND ............... TL802
2) Play back the alignment tape (JiGWR5-5CSP)
3)Press the “CONTINUOUS PUSH” and “VCR ADJUSTMENT” of adjustment remote controller to set the VCR adjustment
4)Select the address 30h, set the sync slope of oscillo-
scope to (–), adjust the data with “REW” and “FF” so that
the interval between the trigger point and the V sync
signal is set to 6H, and fix the data with the “PLAY” button.
(See Figure 5.1.1.)
5)Then, set the sync slope to (+), and ascertain that the
interval between the trigger point and the V sync signal
has been set to 6H. (See Figure 5.2.2.)
6)Keep the STOP key pressed for about 3 seconds to exit
from the adjustment mode.
V sync signal
V sync signal
Figure 5.1.1
Figure 5.2.2