Product Version 1.0 | Revision A | Released 2022-4-21
Setting LED refresh rate (Frequency)
When using LED lighting with cameras, flickering can occur due to incompatible frequency settings which means
the LEDs and cameras are not synchronized. In order to avoid flickering and horizontal banding (rolling shutter) the
i-6 offers the ability to adjust the refresh rate (frequency) in order to achieve flicker-free performance.
In the Q-7 menu, go to SETTINGS → REFRESH RATE. Here you are able to set the refresh rate (frequency) of the LEDs
to be:
Dimmer optimized (low frequency), flicker can occur on cameras / highest dimming resolution.
High frequency optimized (low dimming resolution), flicker is unlikely to occur / low dimming resolution.
Custom value, from 3.294Hz to 30kHz. Adjust to a custom frequency.
It is recommended to utlize “Dimmer optimized” whenever possible to maintain the best possible dimming perfor
mance. When adjusting a custom value, choose a frequency high enough to avoid flickering and/or horizontal band
ing, but low enough to maintain a good dimming performance. Since there are differences between camera models,
exposure settings etc., the optimal refresh rate settings will differ.