REF 360-0040-01 (F)
3.1 Stopping The Sampling Run: Clock Model
Move the On/Off switch to Off to stop the sampling
The run time is displayed,
, and the percentage of
time the sampling run varied more than
5% from set
flow rate. Record the run data at this time.
The run data is displayed for 5 minutes, then shuts
off. To immediately clear the display perform a dis-
play self-test (see Section 3.2).
3.2 Display Self-Test: Clock Model
Side Anti-Tamper Plate should be open and rotated.
Pump should be off.
Using a pointed instrument push the MODE/HOLD
button continuously for at least three seconds.
Display self-test begins, where all elements of the five
digit positions are individually displayed, followed by
all five digits simultaneously counting from 1 through
9, then back down to 1.
Each icon is individually displayed from right to left,
followed by all the icons flashing twice before the dis-
play goes blank, terminating the test. The self test
clears the pump’s last run data.