REF 360-0040-01 (F)
3.5 Stopping The Sampling Run: Program Model
Move the On/Off switch to Off to stop the sampling
Display shows the run time,
, and the percentage
of time the sampling run varied more than
5% from
set flow rate. Record the run data at this time.
Display continues to show the run data for 5 minutes,
then shuts off. To immediately clear the display per-
form a display self-test (see Section 3.6).
3.6 Display Self-Test: Program Model
Side Anti-Tamper Plate should be open and rotated.
Pump should be off.
Using a pointed instrument push the MODE/HOLD
button continuously for at least three seconds.
Display self-test begins, where all elements of the five
digit positions are individually displayed, followed by
all five digits simultaneously counting from 1 through
9, then back down to 1.
Each display Icon is individually displayed from right
to left, followed by all the icons flashing twice before
the display goes blank, terminating the test. The self
test clears the pump’s last run data.