Notice Technique
FI 72.0110.0316E
Page 17 sur 27
11) Auto sensitivity
- Improve automatically the sensor sensitivity according to the environment it's installed
(particle kind, dust concentration, etc …) as a function of a scale (requested by the user)
and the current concentration ratio.
- Calibrate the device at its present day running point.
Conditions : - The value of the current emissions level must be known or estimated.
- The installation must be operating in a relatively steady and repetitive manner.
a) Press the right key
b) A message advises you that this function can go on several hours. It may not be
Confirm the execution by pressing the right key, else the "VALID" key allows quitting
this function.
c) Enter the required value of the measuring scale.
- This must be selected as a function of an alarm limit which is to be assigned and as a
function of the current emissions value.
- Where possible, the aim is to have a scale value corresponding to 10 times the current
emissions level.
e.g.: value of the current estimated emissions level: 10.00 mg/m
value of the alarm to be applied: 60.00 mg/m
scale to be entered: 100.00 mg/m
: a message warns you if the value entered is "outside the limits". In this case, it
may be necessary to review the display format and the measurement units selected if they
seem to be poorly suited to your application.
There are two ways of removing this message:
- VALID button to enter a new value,
- RIGHT button to quit the auto-sensitivity procedure.