Notice Technique
FI 72.0110.0316E
Page 16 sur 27
8) View measuring scale
Display for information about the measuring scale (depending on the calibration set)
9) 4-20 mA scale adjustment
- Set the corresponding value to 20 mA on the 4-20 mA output
If the input value is greater than the value of the measuring scale, a message asks you to
confirm this.
: if the 4-20 mA scale is greater than the value of the measuring scale, 20 mA
will never be obtained at the output.
10) Alarm average duration adjustment
- Adjustment of the average duration. (1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 ou 60
It’s this average value (calculated on this duration) who’s be read in "reading measure"
(see « measure reading adjustment »).
It’s with this average value that the alarm threshold is compared, to activate or not the
- To adjust the average duration, press the « right » key and press the « up » and « down »
key to obtain the desired value.