SD-EN-030 21 / 40 V1.0
User must enter the following information to set up the command communication:
Whether via TCP/IP or serial port.
Send commands in HEX
IP address of the target device.
Port number of the target device.
Interval (ms):
Interval before the command is sent.
Command Data:
the command to be sent.
Note that the G265 transceiver only supports sending out commands in HEX.
By clicking the button in a way depending on its state, the G265 transceiver can send out commands to a
third-party device to control it. The function for each state, for example,
’ and ‘
can be set
Fill: Change the colour or background design of the button. The design for each state of the button can be
set separately.
When ‘
Show Text
’ is triggered, this section will
be expanded and user can modify the texts and their
formats within the button. The text in each state can also be set separately.
Position/Size: This section is only
visible when ‘
Show Text
’ is ticked and can be used to a
djust the position
and size of texts in each state of the button.