| P
age 31 | SEABOB Operator's Manual |
5.3.2 Arrangement of the controls
1. The green button is located on the outer side of the
right Control Grip.
2. The red button is located on the outer side of the left
Control Grip.
3. The silver button is located on the inner side of the
right Control Grip.
4. The blue button is located on the inner side of the left
Control Grip.
5. The Trigger is located on the inner side of the right
Control Grip.
5.3.3 Using the controls
The buttons used on the SEABOB are high-quality, water-
tight piezo-actuated electronic buttons that do not have
mechanical parts and, for this reason, are not subject to
wear (button life: over 20 million operations). These but-
tons are designed to react to sudden changes in pressure.
For this reason, you only have to tap them lightly. Re-
gardless of how long or hard you press the buttons, they
always react by emitting a single short pulse. A pulse may
also be emitted if the SEABOB falls hard to the ground
or is struck hard by another object, if the SEABOB is hit
hard or the buttons are inadvertently touched. For safety
reasons, you have to tap the blue button and push the
Trigger within a fixed time period to activate the switch-
on function. This is done to prevent the SEABOB from
being switched on inadvertently.
The Trigger is made of high-grade plastics and seawater-
resistant spring steel. It can be in a released position or
pushed position. The Trigger is used as a confirm button
and for enabling the motor (on / off). You can activate
the motor by pushing the trigger against the Control Grip
(the motor runs with a minimum power of Power Level
1). When you release the Trigger, the motor stops imme-