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C51w Service Guide
7. Troubleshooting
7.2.12 CF 13 Temperature Validation Error
The difference between the control temperature
sensor (1) and validation temperature sensor (2) is
greater than +5°C during the wash phase of the cycle
or the validation temperature is outside the
disinfection band (-0°C/+5°C) during the disinfection
phase of the cycle.
1. Possible cause if a water heating problem. Follow
the procedure for CF1.
2. Possible cause is disconnection or failure of
the temperature sensor. Remove the kick plate.
Check the connectors or replace the temperature
sensor as required.
7.2.13 CF 15 Chamber Overflow
The overflow switch did not turn off after 30sec of
running the drain pump.
1. Check for a kink or blockage in the drain hose.
2. Possible cause is a defective overflow switch.
Follow the procedure for CF2.
3. Possible cause is the water inlet valves not
closing. This can be detected if water continues to
fill the chamber even when the power to the
machine is off. Replace the inlet valves.
4. Possible cause is a leak. Remove the top cover
and kick plate and look for fluid in the pan. Isolate
and repair the source of the leak.
temperature sensor
circulation pump
pressure switch
chamber overflow switch
Figure 25
Figure 26