Navsight Solution
– Hardware Manual
7.5. Transport Cases
7.5.1. CASE-NAVS-01
This larger transport case can be used to securely ship or stock:
An Ekinox or Apogee IMU (Surface units)
A Navsight Rugged processing unit
20M+ of IMU processing cable
Various cables and accessories
2x ANT-SEP-POLANT-MC an associated TNC cables
The Inertial Software Development Kit USB Key.
7.5.2. CASE-NAVS-02
This larger transport case can be used to securely ship or stock:
An Ekinox or Apogee IMU (Subsea units)
A Navsight Rugged processing unit
20M+ of IMU processing cable
Various cables and accessories
2x ANT-SEP-POLANT-MC an associated TNC cables
The Inertial Software Development Kit USB Key.
7.6. Associated Software
7.6.1. Qinertia (Post-processing software)
Qinertia is the dedicated software for all post-processing
applications. When high performance is a must, or in case of harsh
environments, Qinertia provides a cutting edge, tightly coupled
GNSS/INS PPK solution. In addition, Navsight users benefit from a
seamless integration with Qinertia.
Contact SBG Systems sales team for more information about
7.6.2. SW-AEK-SDK (Software Development Kit)
The Inertial Software Development Kit is very helpful to configure,
playback recorded logs, export data to text files or third party
software and even develop custom code for Navsight. It contains
the following items:
sbgCenter analysis software
sbgECom C library and examples
All documentations and low level protocol specifications
Unlimited free software upgrades
Figure 7.1 : 9.2.2. CASE-NAVS-01
Figure 7.4: sbgCenter analysis tool
Figure 7.2 : 9.2.2. CASE-NAVS-02
Figure 7.3: Qinertia Post-processing