Adaption of the heating characteristic(s)
The heating characteristic of heating circuit 1 (and heating
circuit 2, if installed) can be automatically adapted to the building
properties and heating system. For this purpose, the "room-tem-
perature actual value" signal from a reference room is required,
i.e. each heating circuit requires its own room-temperature sen-
sor. If the signal is provided by the remote control EGS 52/15,
we recommend to connect this unit with 3 wires.
In the case of 2-wire connection, no setpoint correction should
be made by the remote-control unit if possible during the adap-
tation period of 1...2 weeks.) As soon as the heating charac-
teristic(s) appear to be properly adjusted, the automatic heating
characteristic adaptation (SERV 88 (89)) can be disabled by en-
tering the value –1; from this point, any setpoint corrections via
remote control are permissible.
The automatic adaptation of heating characteristic 1 (and 2, if
applicable) adjusts the following parameters (for each charac-
slope of the heating characteristic
curvature of the heating characteristic
extraneous heat portion
Whether an automatic adaptation is implemented and which of
the three dimensions is adjusted automatically depends prima-
rily on the average deviation of the room temperature from the
room-temperature setpoint
and on the average outdoor tem-
perature. The adaptation is carried out at midnight.
The modifications can be verified by checking the corresponding
setting values, for example the current slope value under PAR 3.
For each of the three values that can be adapted, the following
applies: at first, the corrective is relatively strong, e.g. with the
initial adaptation step. The corrective influence deminishes as
the number of adaptation steps increases, and is constant from
the 9th step.
SERV setting value
Adaption of heating characteristic 1 (heating circuit 1)
Adaption disabled
Adaption enabled, all 3 values are initially adjusted with the highest possible influence
Adaption enabled , all 3 values are from the beginning adjusted with the lowest
possible influence
Counter for number of adaption steps "extraneous heat" (0...9)
(for higher outdoor temperatures)
Counter for number of adaption steps "curvature" (0...9)
(for medium outdoor temperatures)
Counter for number of adaption steps "slope" (0...9)
(for low outdoor temperatures)
With each adaptation step, the corresponding counter is incremented by 1 (check). The SERV 88 value
can be changed manually at any time by entering a value between 000...999 in order to set new initial
conditions for the influence of the adaptation steps.
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