Limits for heating characteristic 2 (heating circuit 2)
Type of building
SERV setting value
Max. limitation of flow-temperature setpoint for heating circuit 2
(max. limitation of the secondary flow temperature is ignored during a charge of domestic hot water in
systems with one heat exchanger and no secondary mixing valve.)
(20...149) (° C)
Min. limitation of flow-temperature setpoint for heating circuit 2
This value limits the sec. flow temperature to a min. setpoint value in the "normal operation" mode
(and "reduced operation" (see SERV 79) if set), but not in "OFF" mode. The min. limitation is cancelled as
soon as the heating limit for summer operation (PAR 4) is detected. A value of 0 must be specified if no
min. limitation is required.
(0...149) (° C)
Validity of min. limitation of the flow-temperature setpoint for heating circuit 2 during reduced operation
min. limitation for this heating circuit when reduced operation is not activated
min. limitation for this heating circuit when reduced operation is activated
SERV setting value
Wall component (for heating circuit 1 and 2)
Any building dissipates heat to the outside through windows, walls and roof. The walls can store a large
quantity of heat whereas windows store practically none. The heat energy stored in the walls results in a
delayed effect of changes in the outdoor temperature on the inside of the building.
In a building with a large portion of window area (and consequently a reduced portion of walls), changes
in the outdoor temperature will take effect on the inside of the building quicker than in buildings with a
small portion of window area (and consequently a larger portion of walls). The value to be set here shall
approximately represent the relation of
heat loss through the outer walls of the building
total heat loss through the building surface
The current outdoor-temperature sensor reading is used for calculating the (heating) flow
A calculated model outdoor temperature which takes account of changes of the outdoor
temperature faster or slower, dependent on the value set here, is used for calculating the
(heating) flow-temperature
0.0 – 0.1:
0.2 – 0.4:
0.5 – 0.8:
light-weight construction, large portion of windows
average building construction
heavy construction, few windows
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