You have opted for a Sauter control unit, a quality product from a leading manufacturer of control devices for heating, ventilation
and air conditioning.
Your new device features simple operation in connection with advanced micro-processor technology. Please follow operating
instructions for adapting the device to your specific system and requirements.
Due to its automatic change-over between summer and winter modes (and vice-versa), its automatic weather compensation and
adaptation to building characteristics and heating systems, the individually programmable time programs for controlling the nightly
temperature reduction, domestic hot water charge etc, optimisation of ON/OFF switching time sections for normal and nightly tem-
perature and controlled booster pre-heating mode, this device enables consequent energy saving programs to be implemented
while simultaneously ensuring high comfort. The quartz clock of the controller has an automatic summertime/wintertime change-over
system and works without environmentally unfavourable batteries or accumulators.
Due to a high flexibility of the input and output configuration, this controller can be adapted perfectly to different types of heating
systems; demand-led heating circulation pumps (with speed reduction control), domestic hot-water charge pumps and general circu-
lation pumps can be controlled in addition to one or two three-point control valves. The controller measures all parameters relevant
for an efficient heating system control by means of up to eight "Nickel 1000" temperature sensors and additional special inputs for
flow measurement with three optional methods.
The controller can be configured and programmed on site without any additional accessories; it can also be adapted to an extended
range of tasks at a later time.
The exceptionally high number of functions includes safety features such as the system frost-protection function which is activated
in OFF mode, standstill-damage protection of the circulation pumps during summer, anti-legionella function for hygienically unob-
jectionable hot water, minimum and maximum limitation of temperatures and flow, etc.
With the optional remote control accessory, the heating controller can be operated from up to two independent homes or offices.
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