This instruction manual contains important information and must be read
carefully by competent persons prior to any handling, transport, inspec-
tion or installation of this product. Every care has been taken in the pre-
paration of the instructions and information; however, it is the responsi-
bility of the installer to ensure the system complies with relevant national
and international regulations, especially safety. The manufacturer, So-
ler & Palau Sistemas de Ventilación S.L.U. accepts no responsibility for
breakages, accidents or any inconvenience caused by failure to comply
with the instructions contained in this manual.
The fans referred to in this manual have been manufactured in accordan-
ce with rigorous quality control and International standard ISO 9001. Once
the product has been installed, this manual to be retained by the end user.
Any work including transport, installation, inspection, maintenance,
service spares replacement, repair and fi nal end of life disposal must
be carried out by competent persons and supervised by competent exe-
Fan equipment should be electrically isolated and locked out before any
work started.
This fan must not be used in hazardous area.
The Installer, User is responsible for ensuring that the fan is installed,
operated and serviced by qualifi ed personnel, acting in accordance with
all safety precautions applicable and as required by law, regulations and
standards in the country applicable.
Safety protective clothing, equipment, hearing protection, and tools may
be required
All fans are designed and manufactured in accordance with EC Directive.
Safety guard accessories are available from S&P if required due to spe-
cifi c installation.
This instruction manual is subject to modifi cations due to further tech-
nical developments of the fan described, images and drawings may be
simplifi ed representations. Due to improvements and modifi cations the
fan operated may differ from the representations. We reserve the right to
vary the product without prior notice.
Working ambient temperature for fan equipment should not be excee-
ded, typically this will be within -20°C to +40°C, unless stated otherwi-
Allow safe access to fan for inspection, maintenance, replacement of
parts, cleaning / housekeeping.
The user is responsible for effective maintenance, replacement of parts,
cleaning, especially where dust may form inside the fan.
Do not remove safety protection guards or open access doors when the
fan is in operation.
If the fan is used in atmospheres with more than 95% Relative Humidity
(RH), consult the S&P Technical Service fi rst.
If the fan is used to extract air from premises where a boiler or other
combustion appliance is installed, make sure that the room has suffi cient
air intakes to ensure adequate combustion.
The following risks have been identifi ed for consideration:
• Installation: incorrect installation or function represents a risk to safety.
• Rotational speed: identifi ed on fan name plate and motor. Never exceed
this speed.
• Rotation of impeller: identifi ed on fan with direction arrows. Do not run
impeller in reverse.
• Working temperature: identifi ed on fan nameplate and motor. Never
exceed this range.
• Foreign bodies: ensure no risk from debris, or material that could be
drawn into fan.
• Electrical risks: motor name plate data should never be exceeded,
effective connection to earth, and all checked regularly every 6 mon-
• Protection devices: These should always be operational and never dis-
connected. However, Emergency ventilation fan and motors are suitable
for S1 duty cycle, and one off emergency smoke operation no motor
protection devices must stop this. The fan motor power supply must be
designed to accommodate any motor protection devices, where applica-
ble, for S1 duty cycle and these must be disabled or by-passed in event
of one off emergency smoke operation. Power supply cables to fan mo-
tor must be suitable for temperature and time stated when installed
in potential fi re area. Power supply should be via a protected source
to enable fan to run under emergency fi re smoke conditions, Direct on
• Emergency ventilation fans, can be dual purpose, or dedicated Emer-
gency operation. If fan is not operated for long periods then fan should
be run as prescribed by local regulations, or as minimum 15 minutes
each month, to ensure safe operation
Fan equipment and packaging are protected from adverse atmosphere,
especially water, sand, dust, vibration and excessive temperature. The
packaging used for this fan has been designed to support normal trans-
porting conditions.
The fan must always be transported in its original packaging. Do not ac-
cept delivery if the fan is not in its original packaging or shows clear signs
of having been damaged.
Do not place heavy weights on the packaging and avoid impact damage.
Any lifting equipment must be safe and of suitable capacity for weight and
size. Special attention may be required to ensure fan assembly does not
distort or tilt as weight distribution may vary.
When Fan equipment is carefully lowered or placed on a surface, be it
temporary, during lifting, positioning, storage or permanent, this must be
a fl at surface to avoid distortion of fan casing or fan assembly.
Storage must be in a safe, fl at, controlled environment to prevent dama-
ge, especially from water, sand, dust, moisture, corrosion, temperatu-
re. Recommend that duct connections (infl ow and outfl ow) are closed to
avoid dust/debris entering the equipment.
These data may also apply to an installed fan, which is not put into opera-
tion for extended period.
Fan equipment should be electrically isolated and locked out before any
work started.
Before any installation work is started, ensure that fan equipment is co-
rrect for application. Location for installation is solid, level, fl at and suita-
ble for mounting fan assembly.
Fan should be located in position, and assembled with any accessory
equipment supplied, on relevant mounting, anti-vibration mountings, sa-
fety protection guards, on a solid level base to avoid any distortion and
misalignment and with correct air direction as shown on nameplate. Fan
should then be leveled on any anti-vibration mountings. Flexible connec-
tors must be taught to ensure no disruption to air fl ow, especially on inlet
to fan.
Check fan equipment name plate data is appropriate to the location elec-
trical supply, especially Voltage, Frequency, Phase, Amps, speed are co-
Check earth connections, electrical terminations and terminal box lid,
with any seals, if fi tted, are correct.
In compliance with Machine Directive 89/392/EU, if the fan is accessible
to operators and is a health and safety risk, adequate protection must be
fi tted, information for safety equipment, including guards, can be found in
S&P accessories catalogue.
Check all rotating parts have free, unobstructed movement.
Check there are no foreign bodies inside the fan or that can be drawn into,
or fall into fan.
Check the structure is complete and has no damage.
Check installation and area is safe and energise fan and start motor.
Check that the impeller and airfl ow direction is correct, check current
does not exceed fan equipment nameplate data.
After two hours of operation, check that all fi xings are tight and adjust if