For fans with S&P sourced/sub-supplier motors, the motor instructions
will be included with the fan equipment for extra assistance to Installer.
Refer these for further motor guidance. Electrical connections are made
in accordance with connection diagram in the motor instructions and/or
inside motor terminal box.
Many S&P fans are supplied with a cable gland for typical electrical power
cable connection, to assist installation. However, if Installer uses a cable
requiring a differing cable gland, this is to be supplied by the Installer, no
alternative is offered by S&P. The Installer is responsible to ensure that
cable, and cable gland, are suitable and safe for application according to
country regulations.
Ensure system operation is safe in event of power cut/power outage/
disruption to power supply. If ventilation is stopped due to disruption
to power supply, ensure no risk due to excessive temperature (electri-
cal heater). Care may be needed when restarting fan after disruption to
power supply.
Most motors are supplied with permanently greased or sealed for life
bearings and do not require re-lubrication. However, if motors with
re-greasing facility are supplied, then follow the instructions in the speci-
fi c motor Instruction manual and nameplate supplied.
Warning: Do not mix different types of grease.
Motors with speed control via Variable Speed Drive (VSD) Frequency
Inverter, should not be run in excess of nameplate speed. In general
applications, we recommend not to run at less than 20Hz and never less
than 20% of nameplate speed without reference to manufacturer, since
this may damage the motor.
If you are using cable longer than 20 meters between the drive and the
motor, add output sinusoidal fi lter.
If you are using cable longer than 50 meters between the drive and the
motor, add output EMC fi lter.
Maintenance/repairs must be carried out by competent personnel and
in accordance with applicable International, National and Local regu-
lations. Fan equipment should be electrically isolated and locked out
before any work started.
Fan equipment should be regularly cleaned, frequency depending upon
service load and application, but no less than every 6 months. Fan equip-
ment for dust applications may require more frequent cleaning to ensure
safe operation. Cleaning should include all areas where dust can accu-
mulate in the fan equipment.
Special attention should be made to any unusual sounds, vibration or
temperature. If any problems are detected the fan equipment should
be stopped immediately and cause inspected. The impeller and blades
should be regularly checked for damage that could cause imbalance in
the moving parts.
Fan equipment should be electrically isolated and locked out before any
work started.
Ensure new belts comply with fan name plate data. If new belts are re-fi -
tted ensure all belts be replaced, with a new matched set from the same
supplier. Never reuse belts.
This ventilation equipment incorporates a belt drive system which main-
tains the appropriate tension of the belts until they are worn out and need
replacing. The belt drive system is appropriately adjusted at the factory,
in keeping with the power and gear ratio of the equipment. Do not, in
any circumstance, modify the tension of the spring. The sensor system
should only be modifi ed if you fi nd it impossible to replace a deteriorated
belt with the factory adjusted tension. Failure to comply with the following
instructions will involve the loss of warranty, and may compromise the
safety of the equipment:
• Unscrew counter nut “2”
• Loosen the tensor using a hexagonal key applied in “1”
• Mount the belt for replacement.
• Tighten the tensor using a hexagonal key applied in “1”, up to stop point
“X”, coinciding with the end of piece “3”. At this moment, the system
has the appropriate tension in keeping with the power and gear ratio as
originally mounted in the factory.
• Use counter nut “2” to protect the system from involuntary loosening.
Pulleys must be correctly aligned, strictly observing the perpendicularity
of their respective axles.
Check gap between rotating parts and fi xed parts is minimum of 2mm.
Do not start working until all relevant safety procedures have been
read, understood and actioned correctly.
Ensure that personnel are competent for work required, spare parts are
correct for application, tools and materials to be used are available and
safe for environment.
Identify components, bolts, fi xings to be removed, and identify location
to ensure replaced in same location, this can be done by marking with
number/letter/colour to bolt fi xing and any associated spacing material
to identify location. This is especially important for motor fi xings to su-
pports, and impeller shaft fi xings to supports, where packing/spacing/
shim material is used to adjust motor/impeller shaft center line, and hen-
ce fi nal impeller position
Fans are designed and performance tested in accordance with standard
duct arrangements. Thus they should be installed correctly without any
adverse installation effect. Typically fans should be installed so that
air entry is clear, unobstructed, non-turbulent and discharge does not
hinder airfl ow, since air turbulence adversely affects impeller perfor-
Disposal must be carried out by competent personnel and in accordance
with applicable International, National and Local regulations.
Isolate fan equipment and any associated electrical equipment and lock
off. Remove electrical connections.
Disconnect fan equipment from duct connections and cover connections
with plastic sheet to prevent exposure to any residue material in fan equi-
pment, and any contamination of ducts.
Dismantle and dispose in accordance with applicable National and Inter-
national laws and regulations, those parts whose service life has expired.
EEC legislation and our consideration of future generations
mean that we should always recycle materials where possible;
please do not forget to deposit all packaging in the appropriate
recycling bins. If your device is also labeled with this symbol,
please take it to the nearest Waste Management Plant at the
end of its servicable life.
The fan unit is mainly made of steel, copper, ferrite, aluminium and plas-
tic. These components should be recycling in the following categories:
• Steel and iron
• Aluminium
• Non-ferrous metals
• Plastics
• Insulating materials
• Cables
• Electronic scrap
To clarify any questions regarding S&P products contact your local distri-
butor. For its location and to obtain the EU Declaration of Conformity and
certifi ed technical data see our web site www.solerpalau.com