OfficeServ 7400 General Description
© Samsung Business Communications
3-11 Station Signalling Type
Dial Pulse Signalling Type
Ratio - 10 Pulses Per Second (PPS)
Make/Break Ratio (M/B ratio) - 33% : 66% (can be adjusted in the software)
The minimum signalling time between digits - 20 msec (can be adjusted in the software)
DTMF Push Button Dialling
DTMF signal processing complies with the ITU standard, allowing digital phone signals to
be sent/received through the trunk line, and processing of analogue phone signals. VDSL Signalling Type
The electrical characteristics of the VDSL for using long-distance Ethernet are shown in
the table below:
Table 3.18 Electrical Characteristics of the VDSL Interface
Transmission speed
1 M~16 Mbps
Modulation code
QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation)
Error detection
Reed Solomon coding method
Transmission distance
1.0 km
Transmission media
1 pair of twisted lines
Characteristic resistance
Splitter installed
Used frequency
138 kHz~12 MHz
Link speed
Down link: 30 Mbps (300 m), Up link: 10 Mbps (300 m)