General Advice
The heat pump comes with a Samsung controller which your installer will
show you. This controller is not used for anything other than commissioning
and diagnosing faults only.
The controller will show AU, this means automatic mode. This simply means that the heat pump is looking for an external signal to ask the heat pump to run.
If there is a fault with the system then the screen will show a code at the bottom. This would start with an E, for example the screen could show E911 - A00.
In normal operation there will be a sun symbol in the top corner of the screen, if there is a fault then this will disappear. If this happens, keep this number
noted as the installer/engineer will need this.
Always avoid turning the power off at the mains, if the unit is off and there is cold weather then it will not be able to protect itself from frost etc...
The units protection is if it’s cold outside and the unit is off, the pump will run for a few minutes to prevent the unit from freezing over. Note that in extreme
weather, i.e. below -2°C, the pump will run constantly, this cannot be stopped.
Hot Water
The temperature of the cylinder is controlled by the Samsung controller, this is setup to maintain the temperature of the water between 43°C and 50°C.
As hot water is used, the heat pump will be constantly monitoring the temperature inside the cylinder, the hot water heating has priority over space heating. If
the cylinder falls by 5°C from the setpoint, the heat pump will automatically switch to hot water heating.
When the set temperature is reached the unit will return to space heating mode or power down if there is no call for heat. The hot water cylinder should not
lose much heat, although the losses differ between different manufacturers.
We normally aim to heat the cylinder within an hour, if you want to decrease the reheat time you can do so by pressing the DHW mode button, this will
show a picture of a bath and will run both heat pump and immersion heater at the same time.
Within the commissioning process, the installer will have programmed an anti legionella cycle that will run once a week at 3am every wednesday, this will
make the hot water hotter on Wednesdays. If there is no need for 24/7 hot water, you can time clock the hot water to reduce the running costs, the installer/
engineer will run through this.