Field Settings
The field settings are used in order to set/alter the way the unit will operate,
each system/setup will have different field settings. There are different groups
of settings and they are;
20’s - There are for the weather compensation and temperature controls in
30’s - These are for the cylinder
40’s - Are for backup boilers and hybrid systems
An example would be if the field setting 3011 was changed from 0 to 1, this
would tell the system there is a cylinder in the system and DHW heating will
need to be performed.
To enter field settings, press the down and set for 6 seconds, using two hands
to do this may make it easier. If done correctly, number 10 should appear on
the screen.
After entering the field setting menu, press up once, 20 will show, press right and 2011 will show.
To alter this, press right once, a value will appear on the left hand side of the screen. To adjust the value, press the up and down buttons, to
save press set.
To go back to 2011, press left. Then we need to go to the next required setting and repeat.
Once the settings in the 20’s have been set, press left twice so that 20 shows, pressing the up button will take you to 30, repeat the above
process to alter the required settings.
Once finished, press the ESC button to go back to the main menu.
If your system is used to heat the house enter these settings into the unit
-2 low ambient setting for weather comp, -5 in Scotland and 3°C for hybrid systems
+15 high ambient temp for weather comp
45°C for U floor 50°C for rads, flow temperature in cold weather
37°C flow temperature in mild weather
1 tells unit to look for a run signal on terminal B22
If your system is heating a hot water cylinder enter these settings into the unit
1 tells unit it has a cylinder connected
Max cylinder heating time, 50mins for 200ltr, 90mins for 300ltr
Delay before immersion starts, 30mins for 200ltr, 60mins for 300ltr
W Wednesday day legionella happens (always use Wednesday) *
3am time it happens
60°C legionella temp
* It is possible to scroll through the days & select everyday, then legionella can be run daily rather than weekly*.
If your system is a hybrid you must also enter these settings
1 tells unit a hybrid boiler is present
1 tells unit to use hybrid boiler
3C changeover temperature from HP to boiler - this is system dependant