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Fig.3.7 Wide span frequency
5) Full Span
Pressing this sift-key will change the span to 3000MHz.
6) Zero Span
Pressing this sift-key will change the span to 0Hz. This is the time domain information of selected frequency. Zero spam
is very useful to observe the characters of AM and FM signal and the signal of time domain.
7) Last Span
Change the current span back to last span. User can directly change between current span and last span by pressing this
soft-key in order to view the difference of the signal display between these two conditions.
8) Frequency Step
The default value of “Freq Step” is 1/10 of the span. After pressing the “Freq Step” soft-key and setting it to “Manu”,
user can input the frequency step. There are three methods to change the freq step: first is manually input, second is to
press the Up/Down key, last step is to rotate the knob.
9) Signal Standard
Press “Signal Standard” soft-key, and the submenu will appear, which is shown as Fig.3.8.