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Fig.3.11 Reference level setting
2) Attenuator
Attenuator is an important part of the instrument. It can reduce the signal distortion by attenuating the power level of
the mixer input signal. The value of attenuator is from 0 to 55dB with 5dB step, the default value is 10dB.
Increasing the value of attenuator can diminish the mixer distortion, but the base noise of the system will increase too
that will reduce the range of measurable signal. In auto mode, the system can automatically provide a suitable value of
The amplitude of signal input to mixer should be less than -20dBm, otherwise the signal may be distorted.
If users wants to set the attenuator manually, user should firstly set the “Atten” softkey as figure 3.7 to “Manu” and
then input the value by number keys, “Up/Down” key or the knob. By “Up/Down” cursor or the knob, the change step
is 5dB and cannot be set attenuator to 0dB.
Fig.3.12 Attenuator is Manu setting mode
3) Scale Log/Line
In “Log” state, the difference of Y-coordinate has the direct ratio to
dB, while in line state it has the direct ratio to