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Fig.3.28 Narrow VBW
3) Video Average
Set the “Video Avg” to “On”, then the spectrum will calculate the average value of current trace and previous traces
values. The default state of “Video Avg” is “Off”.
Fig.3.29 Video average on
Turn on the “Video Avg”. It can smoothly display trace as VBW but the sweep time will not be increased with it. When
“Video Avg” set “On”, the default detector mode will be changed to “Sample” mode automatically.
The default average time is 100. Press number key after setting the “Video Avg” to “On” that can change the average
2. Sweep Time, Sweep Mode
1) Sweep time
Sweep time depends on span, RBW and VBW. If the sweep time can’t fulfill the requirement of span, RBW and VBW,
the system will give the prompt “UNCAL”. User can set the “Sweep Time” to “Manu” and input the wanted time.