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Fig.3.47 Limit setting menu
Pressing “Limit up” or “Limit down” soft-key and the limit setting dialog box will pop up as following figure showed.
Fig.3.48 Limit setting dialog box
Rotating wheel or the up/down keys to move the focus to the dialog box, press the Enter key, and you can switch the
limit between on and off. Moving the focus to the Limit number select and press the enter key, and we can select on
limit line. The limit files can be edited by “Microsoft Office Excel”, which is post fixed by “.csv”. The files can be
loaded in file manager. Detail will be told in the 4.2.4.
If the up limit is on, a green line showed as the dialog will be drawn. If the down limit is on, a red line showed as the
dialog will be drawn.
If the up limit measuring is on and the level of every point is less than the up limit value, the measurement result passes,
otherwise it fails. If the down limit measuring is on and the level of every point is greater than the down limit value, the
measurement result passes, otherwise it fails.
The result of limit on the top of the screen is the final test result. As long as there is a failure of limit, the combined
result was not qualified.