Operating manual - ChillPAC and LP ChillPAC Mk 3
010823 en 2021.06
for equipment that contains fluorinated greenhouse gases in quantities of 5 tonnes of CO
eq or
more, but of less than 50 tonnes of CO
eq: at least every 12 months; or where a leakage detec-
tion system is installed, at least every 24 months
for equipment that contains fluorinated greenhouse gases in quantities of 50 tonnes of CO
eq or
more, but of less than 500 tonnes of CO
eq: at least every six months or, where a leakage de-
tection system is installed, at least every 12 months
for equipment that contains fluorinated greenhouse gases in quantities of 500 tonnes of CO
or more: at least every three months or, where a leakage detection system is installed, at least
every six months.
The equipment must be checked for leakage within one month after a leak has been repaired to ensure
that the repair has been effective.
Recovery of refrigerant
Operators are responsible for putting in place arrangements for the proper recovery of fluorinated green-
house gases by competent personnel to ensure recycling, reclamation or destruction.
Certification of personnel
According to directive 303/2008, it is mandatory for the member states to establish certification and
training programs for personnel involved in leakage inspections and the recovery, recycling, reclamation
and destruction of fluorinated gases.
Record keeping
For all units containing fluorinated greenhouse gases in quantities of more than 5 tonnes of CO
eq, re-
cords must be kept indicating the quantity and type of product, quantities added for recharges and the
quantity recovered during servicing, maintenance and final disposal. Other relevant information is also
requested, such as identification of the servicing company or technician, as well as dates and results of
the checks.
For further information, please see the F-gas regulation in full.