Aircraft Operations Manual
Jun 01/19
Emergency battery charging (JET PACK).
Cabin pressurization control.
Cabin pressure emergency dumping.
L pilot audio.
P/A amplifier and handsets.
Avionic compartment smoke detection.
Flap control.
Stby trim indicator main power.
Stby pitch and stby roll trim main power.
Pitch/roll disconnect.
L stby fuel pump, power and control.
L main fuel pressure control and indication.
L fuel shutoff valve.
L windshield wiper.
Cockpit voice recorder.
Landing gear extension and retraction.
L landing gear emergency extension.
Nose wheel steering.
Taxi light.
Rotating/flashing beacons.
Pilot reading lights.
Flood lighting, left and center.
L engine autoignition.
L engine GCU.
L engine start control.
L engine speed (Ng).
L engine temp (ITT).
L engine torque.
L engine oil temp and press indication.
L engine fuel flow.
L engine CTOT.
L and R engine anti
ice control lights.
Fuel used indication (if installed).
Outflow valve auto dump on ground.
R pilot audio.
Lavatory and cargo smoke detection.
Flap indication.
Stby trim indicator backup power.
Stby pitch and stby roll trim backup power.
Main trim indicator.
Main roll and main pitch trim.
Yaw trim.
Pitch trim synchronization.
Rudder limiter override.
R stby fuel pump, power and control.
R main fuel pressure control and indication.
R fuel shutoff valve.
R landing gear emergency extension.
Landing gear relays.
Navigation lights, one bulb each position.
Map lighting.
Flood lighting, right.
Cabin signs.
R engine autoignition.
R engine speed (Ng).
R engine GCU.
R engine start control.
R engine temp (ITT).
R engine torque.
R engine oil temp and press. indication.
R engine fuel flow.
R engine CTOT.
TAWS audio (if installed).
R engine intake anti
ice control.