Aircraft Operations Manual
Apr 01/15
and does not require unplugging of the headset mi-
With Mod. No. 2600 installed, a hand microphone is
provided for the observer. This hand microphone
provides radio communication for the observer or
instructor on the jump seat. The hand microphone
is connected in parallel with the left pilots hand mi-
crophone through a selector switch on the left ACP.
The selector switch controls which hand micro-
phone is active for transmission (left pilot or observ-
er). With the observer hand microphone selected, it
is still possible for the pilot to transmit using the
PTT button on the ACP or control wheel.
Ground crew jack panel
The ground crew jack panel, located in the nose
wheel well, provides intercom between ground crew
and cockpit. Intercom volume is controlled with INT
slide lever on both ACP’s. The white ground crew
light on the ground status panel will be on whenever
the ground crew headset is connected.
The ground crew microphone can be switched on/
off by a switch on the ground crew headset control-
ling the REU.
As an option the a/c can be provided with a cockpit
call button located beside the ground crew jack pan-
el. When the button is pressed a high low chime will
sound in the cockpit audio system.