6.5 Tubeaxial Fan
The fan and motor assembly will bolt to exhaust roof panel.
Check the following items prior to start up:
1. Motors wired for proper voltage.
2. All fans and motors turn freely.
3. Lubricate all bearings.
4. Check installation of exhaust fan for proper airflow direction. Generally, exhaust fan airflow is out of booth.
5. Listen for excessive or unusual noise when booth is operating.
6. When door limit switches are applicable, operate the booth and open any door to see if spray gun will shut
down. This will verify proper safety operation of the booth.
Fan assembly is heavy.
Fan assembly weight is approximately 50 - 200 lbs.,
depending on model. Use an adequate lifting device to
install fan assembly.
Prevent serious injury or death.
Electrical installations must be performed by qualified
Installation must conform to all national, local, and
provincial codes and standards.