4.4 Troubleshooting Pulse Problems
No Filters Are Pulsing
Check the incoming air pressure to the manifold. The system requires air pressure
to pulse
at all times. The air
pressure should be between 60 and 80 PSI. If the pressure is too low, all of the valves may release air at the same time.
Check the Dwyer timer board. Ensure there is 120VAC at terminals L1 and L2 at the bottom of the board. There
should be a solid red LED on the left side of the b
ard and a flashing red LED on the right side of the board.
The red LED above each number at the bottom of the board should start flashing one at a time every 60 to 120
seconds as soon as the board is powered up. This flash indicates that the board is outputting 120VAC at that
which feeds the solenoid enclosure located at the top of the collector.
Air inlet. Install plug at
opposite side of
Air manifold
High Limit and Com should be connected together.
Comm LED should be
flashing as soon as power
is applied to the board on
terminal L1 & L2
LED above each number will flash in sequence once every 60 to 120 seconds, or however long the
“Time Off
” has been set during programming. When this LED flashes, you should also hear the
pulse air fire into the filter
120VAC to
the board
Power On Indicator. Should
illuminate Red as soon as
power is applied to the board
on terminal L1 & L2