Compressed air feeds from the pilot port on each pulse valve to the solenoid enclosure.
The pulse valve acts like a high volume switch for compressed air. Compressed air is fed into the inlet of the
valve and some of the air bleeds off th
ough the pilot port on the top where it feeds over to the solenoid
enclosure. The solenoid enclosure is where the air stops, which is what keeps the pulse valve closed. As long
as air is not allowed to continuously bleed out of the pilot port on top, then the pulse valve will remain closed.
When air is allowed to bleed out of the pilot port on top, then the pulse valve will open until the pilot port is
blocked off and p
essure is allowed to rebuild.
High Volume
Compressed Air
Some of the
compressed air
bleeds out of the
pilot port to the
Compressed air is
vented out of this
port only when
the solenoid is