Waste containers for flammable liquids shall be constructed of conductive materials and shall be bonded
and grounded.
Waste containers for flammable liquids shall be handled and stored in accordance with Chapter 8.
Clothing. Employeesʼ clothing contaminated with sprayed material shall not be left on the p emises
overnight unless kept in metal lockers.
Cleaning Operations.
Scope. This section shall apply to the use of flammable or combustible liquids for the flushing and
cleaning of equipment.
Liquids. Class I and Class II liquids used in cleaning operations shall be in original shipping containers or
in listed safety containers.
Location. Cleaning operations using flammable or combustible liquids shall be conducted inside a spray
area with ventilating equipment operating or in ventilated areas that meet the requirements of Chapter 7. Such
areas shall also meet the electrical area classification requirements of 6.5.5.
Equipment. Equipment using flammable or combustible liquids shall meet the requirements of 6.5.5 and
shall be bonded and grounded.
Manual Cleaning. Individual manual cleaning operations shall be limited to not more than 4 L (1 gal) of
flammable or combustible liquid for each cleaning operator.
Liquid Storage. Flammable and combustible liquids shall be handled and stored in accordance with
Chapter 8. Containers used for handling, storage, or recovery of Class I liquids shall be constructed of conductive
materials and shall be bonded and grounded.
Solvent Distillation Units (Solvent Recyclers).
Section 10.8 shall apply to solvent distillation units having distillation chambers or still pots that do not
exceed 227 L (60 gal) capacity and are used to recycle Class I, Class II, and Class lIlA liquids. [30:]
This section shall not apply to research, testing, or experimental processes; to distillation processes
carried out in petroleum refineries, chemical plants, or distilleries; or to distillation equipment used in dry
cleaning operations. [30:]
Equipment. Solvent distillation units shall be approved or shall be listed in accordance with ANSI/UL
2208, Standard for Solvent Distillation Units. [30:19.6.3]
Solvents. Solvent distillation units shall only be used to distill liquids for which they have been
investigated and that are listed on the unitʼs marking or contained within the manufacturerʼs literature.
Unstable or reactive liquids or material shall not be processed unless they have been specifically listed
on the systems markings or contained within the manufacturerʼs literature. [30:]